Monday, October 25, 2010

Tanzania Hold Quran Contest

During this stage, which will go on for two months, Quran reciters and memorizers will compete in all the provinces and the winners in the recitation and memorization category in each province make it to the national stage. Capital city, Dar al-Salam, will host the national stage in two rounds. The reciter and memorizer who score the highest in the final round will attend the international Owqaf Quran competition in Iran. 35 percent of the population of Tanzania’s mainland (Tanganyika) and some 99 percent of the population in the Zanzibar region are Muslims. Quran Online is a library for Quranic and Islamic teachings available on the internet for learning Quran via Internet. Here are some interesting posts for you to read which is at somequran activities in Quran Contest in Ottawa ,Canada.


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